Sunday, January 6, 2008

m4mCamp Mentoring Project

Cari Harris-Mentee

Cari Harris is a gifted young musician and songwriter. She is a God inspired musician. Cari loves to play the piano, drums and sing. Cari began her musical journey as a youth musician for the Congregation Christian Community Church Young Adult Choir and has gone on to become a amazingly inspiring gospel artist. 

Michael J. Vance - Mentor

I am amazed at the talents and determination of this young musician. Cari has a bright future as a christian artist and her light will shine for years to come. I am truly honored that God allowed me the privilege to sow seeds into Cari's life as a gospel artist.

Mentoring Project Mission:
  • Increase a young musician spiritual growth
  • Develop a young musician skills and marketability
  • Improve confidence, self-esteem and social/life skills